02 986 75 11 | 0897 928 228; 0886 820 907 | 21, Hristo Belchev Str, fl. 4, room 412
Агенция за превод и легализация Рея

Агенция за превод и легализация Рея

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered al...
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От какво да се итнересуваме при ползване на услугите на агенция за преводи

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered al...
Професията преводач в България

Професията преводач в България

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered al...
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Какви са най-често превежданите документ и защо

August 26 2014 0 comment
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered al...

About us

We also offer legalization in Bulgarian and foreign documents in all Bulgarian institutions, as well as in diplomatic missions of foreign countries in our country.

We have highly qualified translators, proofreaders and editors specialized having at least 50-year experience in the following areas: economics and finance, law, engineering, construction, medicine, arms production, fiction and others.

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E-mail: reya.translation@gmail.comreya@tbc.bg
Phone: 02 986 75 11
Fax: 02 980 89 14
Mobile phone 0897 928 228; 0886 820 907

Information: reya-translation.com


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